After helping an author scale to over #42 Million naira in sales from his book, this underground book creative would like to show you…

The “Ultimate Guide” to Designing Stunning Book Covers That Grabs Massive Attention and Sell Out Your Books Just With Your Smartphone.

And how you can plug ‘n’ play this guide to start making more sales from your books by designing top-notch covers using only your Android or Smartphone.

even if you have zero design experience, or you spend a lot of time trying to design book covers that end up looking unattractive? 

Worry No More… With this Guide, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to create stunning book covers that set you apart from the competition and propel your sales to new heights. No matter your design experience


You don’t have to do it the hard way. Here is what you get when you Grab this book cover design masterclass today :

Ideal For:



Amazon KDP Publishers


Total Value – 200,000 Naira

Regular Price – 45,000 Naira

Today’s Price = 5,000 Naira


For Bank Transfers Use Details Below

Pay 7,000 naira to: 2115226018 UBA Bank, Olorunfemi Eniola Anuoluwapo. Then Send proof of payment to 07047514648 and you’d be granted the course in 10 Minutes or less

Note: Using the SELAR link above gives you access automatically but everyone who pays with transfer will be sent the product manually

"But Hey - Don't Take My Word For IT!"

See What My Students Are Saying About This Course

You’re One Book Cover Design Away from Generating ready-to-buy leads for Your Books.

If you are a self-publisher, Amazon KDP book publisher or ebook creator looking to achieve unprecedented sales.

Then you’d know the importance of having a great book cover.

Because in this world we are… People Judge a book by its cover…

And What Makes The Difference Between The Few Books Who Do Millions Of Naira in Sales And The Rest Who Struggle To Make A Sale is…

A “Book Cover” That Attracts Potential Buyers and gets them to Take Your Desired Action

The more attractive the book cover, the more compelling it gets people to want to get it.

It means

Great Marketing + Poor Book Cover designs = low-quality leads and buyers, 


Great Marketing + Great Designs = more sales.

But even though you know this as a book publisher, you are currently facing one of these problems when it comes to designing book covers that grab attention

Problem #1: You Lack Design Experience

You stare at your laptop/phone for hours…wondering where to start your design from. 

What is the right colour to use to make your book attractive, what fonts to use and how to place the image…

All this can be so overwhelming and so tiring that it usually makes you postpone designing your book cover for days, or start designing it and never complete it.

And if you manage to eventually design it, it doesn’t look attractive thereby affecting your sales negatively.

Problem #2: It’s Quite Expensive to Hire an Expert Book Creative.

Sometimes when you get so CONFUSED, you just want to pay a great book cover designer to design for you.
But they are so damn expensive.

…charging anywhere from 25,000 naira to as much as 100,000 naira for one book cover.

And an expense like that is something you can’t handle right now.

Problem #3: Canva Templates Are Generic!

When you try to use Canva templates, they are generic and every other publisher is using them, so it makes your book cover look bland and looks like other books out there.

No uniqueness. 

If You Are Currently Facing Any of These Problems, Then Here is A Good News For You – Right Now!

Having done over #42 millions in sales for my clients, I have decided to create a well-tailored guide to help you break over these challenges.

And With this Ultimate Guide, you can now;

Using just your Android or Iphone and getting it done without spending several hours thinking of where to start.

Introducing The Ultimate Book Cover Design Course…that teaches you how to create covers that leaves customers in awe

The Course Contains Everything You Need to Design Your Book Cover from Scratch to Finish without Spending Several Hours Thinking of What to Design.

The Book Cover Design Course is exactly just what you need to take your book cover design to the next level. 

It’s A comprehensive video training series that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to create stunning and high-converting book cover designs.

Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a complete beginner, this course will take your book covers to the next level. 

In This Video Course, You’d Learn;

Enroll TODAY And Get This Exclusive Bonuses:

Total Value – 200,000 Naira

Regular Price – 45,000 Naira

Today’s Price: #5,000


Here Are Some Of The Kind of Book Covers You’d Learn How To Design in The Training!

See What Others Are Saying About My Book Cover Design Course

I Charge 50,000 MINIMUM For Designing a Book Cover

But I know some authors don’t have tons of money to spend on a designer right now.

And if I actually priced this course based on my efforts and continous support, you likely might not be able to afford it right now. 

I’ve spent over a year researching, developing, and optimizing the perfect design flow for all kind of book covers.

And with this Course, you can design as many book covers as possible without ever paying a designer again!

…SO INSTEAD OF CHARGING OUR REGULAR PRICE OF 45,000,(Which I would have loved to sell it for) I’m practically giving it away…
For 5,000 Naira 
(But for a very limited time)

And if you’re Not 100% Satisfied… Neither Am I.​

I get it. I buy online materials too just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in an online product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that you can get on google

 But I’m super proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be thrilled with their purchase.

While I can’t guarantee that this course will make you a million in book sales in one week, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of everything you get inside plus the immense time and stress it will save you.


Total Value – 200,000 Naira

Regular Price – 45,000 Naira

Today’s Price = 5,000 Naira

My name is Eniola Anu, I am a Book Cover Creative that has designed Books grossing millions in revenue. In the past 2 years, I’ve learned exactly what it takes to design book covers that BREAK the ugly and generic book cover design standard, and have discovered the exact methods and techniques to design books that not only skyrocket your conversions but also make your book stand out.

And the Book Cover Design Course is all the secret weaponry that I use to design killer Book Covers that are strategically designed to convert super-fast.


Yes! When you enroll you get access to video tutorials that covers step by step framework on how I get clients.

This course is a framework on how I moved from a rookie to becoming great at book cover designs. It is the exact step to become good at designs in 30 days I’d follow if I was to start all over again.

No, you don’t. I myself make us of my smartphone. That is all you need.

Because Nigeria is hard…if i sell it for EXACTLY what it is worth, how many people can afford it? How many people can actually afford to pay me 50,000 naira for 1 book cover design? Tell me…so at this price, everyone can afford it. 


Book Creative

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